December 2007: Shine Your Radiant Light
Published in YSR Magazine November issue of

Visit the site here:
November 2007:Click Here
Published in YSR Magazine November issue of

Visit the site here:
October 2007:Opening a Doorway to Greater Consciousness
Also Published in YSR Magazine October issue of

Visit the site here:
September 2007:The Vibrational World
Also Published in YSR Magazine September issue of

Visit the site here: :
August 2007:Perception=Your Life
July 2007:Your thoughts can change the world
June 2007:Accessing Harmony: Living in Meditation
Also Published in YSR Magazine June issue of

Visit the site here: :
May 2007:Understanding Fears
October 2006: Healing Traumatic Experiences through True Compassion
August 2006: Cultivating Compassion
July 2006: A Summer of Shadows
June 2006: Regaining powerful magic for life!
April 2006: Removing Distortions & Illusions
March 2006: Predictions for 2006!
February 2006:Looking at our Defenses
January 2006:Create a Magical New Year!
July 2005:Can we see our own suffering?
June 2005:The Akashic Field- In Search of our Past, Present and Future
May 2005: Accessing Harmony: Seeking that Elusive Synchronicity
April 2005: Daily Affirmation for Connecting to Your Higher Self
March 2005:Akashic Field Therapy TMAn integral method of quantum healing
February 2005:Freeing Ourselves From the Binds of Karma
Here's are some older articles written by CJ:
Welcome from the Angelic Realms
LOOKING WITHIN: the spiritual gift of self love
Learning to Live Vibrationally
The Journey Toward Activation