CJ can work with you to discover what health frequencies are out of balance in your body. She can help you create a wellness plan to restore those frequencies to balances. Some tools she uses are: vibrational healing long distance using attunements, vitamins, supplements plus other recommended wellness modalities.
What is Vibrational Healing? Vibrational healing is a process whereby vibrations are introduced or transferred into a human being’s physical and energetic bodies, so that the vibrations which have become unbalanced in the human physical or auric body are adjusted. This is based on the idea that illness or disease in the human and auric body is characterized by blockages and imbalances. These blockages and imbalances causes a cell, organ, system, or energetic body to slow it's vibration. Slow vibrations result in disease (dis-ease) or illness. The process of vibrational healing adjusts these unbalanced vibrations. Let CJ's 20 years of experience help you create a wellness plan to restore your health to proper balance. Full Body Scans Full body scans use a set of comprehensive charts that cover the full spectrum of physical health. Some of the areas that are checked for imbalances during the scan are: vital organ systems, body energies, infectious organisms, heavy metal toxicity, food allergies, nutrition and more. These sessions can be effectively conducted long distance. CJ works with many clients internationally to help them restore the body to optimal balance.ROUTINE SCAN (MONTHLY CHECK-IN Routine body scans are a less lengthy version of the full body scan and simply identify your current physical priorities. Routine body scans are also used to continue a treatment plan on a monthly basis after a full body scan is performed. © 2004- 2008 Akashic Field Therapy Institute All Rights Reserved. |