Client-AFT Testimonials
Dear CJ, I have been practicing the "homework" you sent, and purchased the essences you'd suggested. Whenever I feel that I'm backsliding, I do an extra bit of homework. This has resulted in feeling more sure of myself, more capable of dealing, and more grounded. I felt this way soon after I listened to & worked with the CD you'd sent Changes have already taken place in my attitude and my energy! Your work is powerful. I'm glad I scheduled this session with you, and hope to do more in the future. I would recommend your work to others who want to clear old patterns from their energies and their lives.
Thank you!
Dear CJ, Before we started working together I had done a lot of work clearing issues and blocks in my life. However, I still felt I had “threads” that were hanging…finer layers that needed clearing….which is why I was drawn to AFT and to you. Over the past year and a half, our work together has brought me an exponential level of growth that I never could have imagined!!. The clearing of issues and blocks has been on a much deeper level than I have ever experienced. This is really at a core level. And above and beyond all of this wonderful clearing, has been your kind and gentle insight and guidance in helping me gain greater understanding of my personal journey in this life. So from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my being I thank you, thank you, thank you! With love and gratitude,
Thank you so much!
Sanjay Talukdar
Good Morning CJ! About an hour or so after the second day of doing the homework I noticed the following: a humming vibration very close to my physical body-in the mental field of my auric body, a feeling of energy flowing out the soles of my feet, and a sensation of a huge gaping hole in the top of my head at the 7th chakra. When things settled down I did a chakra rebalancing, but I felt rather 'floaty' for quite awhile after. I truly look forward to learning this work from you, and look forward to speaking with you. THANK YOU so much CJ, I've already learned so much from you!!!
Mindy Fitting
Dear CJ, Thank you for the follow up phone call. I look foreward to working with in the future. Thank you for the Akashic reading gift. I was very surprised with the results. Every thing you read and wrote down was 100 percent accurate. I did not realize that these old energy patterns still existed. However, once I started to scan for those energy patterns, they all appeared immediately. With your guidance, I was able to clear and release all the energy patterns and felt an immediate shift in the soul energy. You have made a believer out of me. I highly recommend CJ to all that have been drawn to her. I have search the internet high and wide regarding Akashic record reading and healing. I can safely say that there is no one out there that comes remotely close to doing what CJ does. From the bottom of my heart thank you CJ.
Namaste atma,
True Confirmation Thanks CJ!!! (9/2005 Kansas City, MO USA)
Dear CJ, Blessings, K.C. (6/2005 Los Angeles, CA USA)
Thanks CJ!
Dear CJ, I chose to do a quantum healing with you after attending a seminar you presented which included some information on that topic. In early 2005, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and anxiety. After a few months of taking medications that did not help and had terrible side effects, I started down a natural, holistic path. It is this path that led me to you. As I listened to the quantum healing tape, I was totally blown away. I really did not know what to expect. Your discussion of the five issues was amazing--everything you said was so on target and just exactly what had been holding me back in my life. I actually felt better knowing that the anxiety, fear and lack of self love that had plagued me for much of my life was buried deep in my subconscious. That is, it wasn't that I was too weak to beat these energies and programs--I just needed help getting them out of my subconscious mind. And you did just that--amazing. I could not wait to listen to the tape again, and I have listened to it several times. I have learned or realized something new each time I listen to the tape. Further, I am astonished every time I listen to the tape at how accurately it describes the negative energies and programs that have been dragging me down. Your discussion of the themes and common elements in the various issues was especially helpful. You mentioned on the tape that I was highly sensitive to EMR stress. That was so interesting, as I am often overwhelmed when a television is turned on--even when the volume is very low. I am constantly turning lights or appliances off or the volume down, and my husband can't understand why I am so sensitive (especially when the volume isn't even that high)! I ordered the Qlink pendant as you suggested and I will let you know how it works for me. I have been dutifully doing my homework every morning. I know the full effect of the clearing won't come until the 21 days has passed, but I have to say that I felt a shift the morning after I listened to the tape. My anxiety, fear and self distrust diminished almost immediately. And I know it will continue to improve as I complete the 21 days of homework! I am so blessed to have been led to you. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with me, and helping me start 2005 fresh! Much love - MC (6/2004 Kansas City, MO USA)
Thank You
More than words can say... Together, we have cleared out the subconscious ghosts affecting my current reality, leaving me open to receive more love, joy and growth. The non-productive tendencies I have struggled with all of my life, have not only been brought to light, but have been cleared out and removed. I no longer suffer from the unexplained propensity for suffering and lack, manic depression and self-sabotage and doubt, just to name a few. It is unbelievably awesome to be free of these subconscious chains that bind. The chains that make us feel less than and undeserving, that we cannot explain, yet continuously get in our way. Thank you CJ! Words cannot express my gratitude and love, for sharing with me your gifts of love and wisdom. And.....for the profound results your quantum healings have provided me in this lifetime.
In Appreciation
Thank You! CJ helped me get clear on the patterns that were creating the most significant challenges. At the time, there were 4 patterns that needed clearing. It was so helpful to have words to describe it. My current reality made so much sense once I understood the patterns in my soul’s records. I felt an immediate sense of liberation, which only increased as I did the homework. Since I did the quantum healing, I have an inner peace and a sense of clarity that I’ve never had before. My anxiety and worry have decreased significantly. I feel an incredible sense of freedom. I have a stronger sense of my true Self that is reflected in every area of my life.
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